About Us

The North Car­oli­na Sus­tain­able Forestry Ini­tia­tive-State Imple­men­ta­tion Com­mit­tee (NC SFI-SIC) is com­mit­ted to pro­mot­ing the sus­tain­able man­age­ment of forests in North Car­oli­na. The NC SFI-SIC sup­ports pro­grams and ini­tia­tives that help for­ward sound forestry prac­tices with­in the for­est prod­ucts indus­try and oth­er forestry relat­ed entities.

The NC SFI SIC is a self-fund­ed com­mit­tee. Funds are pro­vid­ed by for­est prod­ucts com­pa­nies par­tic­i­pat­ing in the NC SFI SIC pro­gram which either own tim­ber­lands, and/​or acquire all or a por­tion of their wood needs from pub­lic and pri­vate forests in North Car­oli­na for their man­u­fac­tur­ing facilities.

While com­pa­nies on the com­mit­tee are from var­i­ous sec­tors of the for­est prod­ucts indus­try, the com­mit­tee also receives impor­tant input from var­i­ous state agen­cies includ­ing the North Car­oli­na For­est Ser­vice, con­ser­va­tion groups, indus­try advo­cates, and uni­ver­si­ty representatives. 


To ensure that forests in North Car­oli­na are man­aged wise­ly and that these forests will be able to sup­port the recre­ation­al, envi­ron­men­tal, and com­mer­cial needs of future generations.

Com­mit­tee Members

What Does SFI Mean to Me?

“To me, Sustainable Forestry means trees today, trees tomorrow, trees forever.  The SFI standard provides us forest managers with a framework, guiding principles so that we can implement forest management policies and techniques to insure that mantra becomes a reality.”

Cierra Ward

District Manager for Resource Management Service, LLC

“To me, SFI means many individuals of diverse backgrounds and ideas coming together for the good of sustaining one of our most valuable resources on the planet. It also means a concerted effort to educate those that do not understand how active and even intense forest management so greatly benefits not only the forest, but the entire ecosystem.”

Charles Daniels

Raw Materials Procurement for Domtar Paper Co. LLC