The NC SFI SIC is committed to promote and conserve Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value (FECV), defined as critically imperiled and imperiled species and ecological communities. We believe that forest landowners and forest managers are stewards not only of the trees growing on their woodlands, but also of the other plants and animals that live there. It’s important for landowners to have a thorough knowledge of their forest and be aware of the plant and animal species found on their property, particularly those that are designated “imperiled, critically imperiled, threatened or endangered.” It is crucial for landowners, loggers, and land managers to understand how their forest management activities may impact these species.
Global conservation status ranks are assigned to indicate the conservation status of a species and ecosystems (ecological communities, vegetation types, and systems) rarity. Critically imperiled (G1) or imperiled (G2) species are globally rare, or especially vulnerable to extinction. Threatened and endangered species are listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service the Federal Endangered Species Act and may be also listed under state laws; however, these species may or may not be listed as critically imperiled or imperiled globally.
It is important that forest landowners be aware of and promote the practice of sustainable forestry to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We can accomplish this by practicing a land stewardship ethic that integrates reforestation and the managing, growing, nurturing, and harvesting of trees for useful products with the conservation of soil, air and water quality, biological diversity, wildlife and aquatic habitat, cultural resources, recreation, and aesthetics in mind.
FECV Assessment
The NC SFI SIC Forests of Exceptional Conservation Value Assessment evaluated all G1 and G2 species and ecosystems documented by NatureServe in North Carolina. The committee has provided the findings below to be used as a source for education, information, and mitigation to ensure their protection across the landscape. The NC SIC and participating SFI certified organizations will use this information to develop training materials and programs for wood producers, foresters, loggers, and forest landowners across the state.
The NC SFI SIC will work together with member companies and partnering organizations to educate the citizens of North Carolina about the importance of FECV’s. It is our intent to provide a science-based process for promoting the conservation of forestry-impacted critically impaired (G1) and impaired (G2) species. Providing key information to wood producers, foresters, loggers, and private landowners in the supply chain will help drive conservation of these species and ecosystems. This will serve to demonstrate that SFI-certified organizations are committed to conserving biodiversity.
Annual Review
Representatives from the NC SFI SIC will annually review the latest available G1/G2 species information from NatureServe to determine if updates are needed. If an update is deemed necessary, a committee of NC SFI SIC members will then be convened to review the overall state assessment and determine if any findings warrant further actions to mitigate risk to FECV’s or specific species or ecosystems.