Good for You, Good for Our Forests

About Us

We are an independent, non-profit organization partnering with the forest sector, conservationists, brands, communities, Indigenous Peoples, and academia for sustainable forestry.

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Member Resources

The NC SFI Implementation Committee works across the forestry community to support programs that improve the practice of sustainable forestry throughout the state.

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The NC SFI SIC seeks to promote the principles of the SFI program through its involvement with various programs across the state.

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Who We Are

The North Carolina Sustainable Forestry Initiative-State Implementation Committee (NC SFI-SIC) is committed to promoting the sustainable management of forests in North Carolina. The NC SFI-SIC supports programs and initiatives that help forward sound forestry practices within the forest products industry and other forestry related entities.

The NC SFI SIC is a self-funded committee. Funds are provided by forest products companies participating in the NC SFI SIC program which either own timberlands, and/or acquire all or a portion of their wood needs from public and private forests in North Carolina for their manufacturing facilities.

While companies on the committee are from various sectors of the forest products industry, the committee also receives important input from various state agencies including the North Carolina Forest Service, conservation groups, industry advocates, and university representatives. 


Training & Education

The NC SFI SIC sup­ports the Sus­tain­able Forestry Teach­ers Expe­ri­ence (SFTE) through direct finan­cial con­tri­bu­tions and in-kind support.

The Sus­tain­able Forestry Teach­ers Expe­ri­ence is a sum­mer pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment work­shop for North Car­oli­na edu­ca­tors that pro­vides oppor­tu­ni­ties to explore all aspects of sus­tain­able forestry in North Car­oli­na. Dur­ing this work­shop, edu­ca­tors tour North Car­oli­na forests and forestry facil­i­ties, learn about sus­tain­able forestry prac­tices in North Car­oli­na, and gain knowl­edge and resources to bring back to their classroom/​program.

NC SFI SIC Grant Program

We provide grants to forest industry professionals, private forest owners, educators and others supporting the SFI’s principles; grants range between $500 and $20,000.

Landowner Outreach

Forest Professionals Education & Training

Public Outreach

Market Outreach / Recruitment

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Inconsistent Practices

The NC SIC wants to hear from you if you see for­est man­age­ment activ­i­ty that is incon­sis­tent with the SFI stan­dards , par­tic­u­lar­ly as it relates to water qual­i­ty and oth­er best man­age­ment practices. All phone calls are inves­ti­gat­ed in the strictest con­fi­dence by the program’s third-par­ty mon­i­tor. The mon­i­tor is not an enforce­ment agency nor does the mon­i­tor have the author­i­ty to medi­ate a complaint.