The for­est sec­tor in 2021 is the top man­u­fac­tur­ing sec­tor in the state.

In 2021, with direct, indi­rect, and induced effects, the for­est sec­tor in North Car­oli­na had a total con­tri­bu­tion of $35.3 bil­lion in indus­try out­put to the North Car­oli­na econ­o­my, which sup­port­ed approx­i­mate­ly 139,700 full-time and part-time jobs with a pay­roll of about $8.9 billion.

The for­est sec­tor in North Car­oli­na direct­ly gen­er­at­ed about $184 mil­lion in state tax­es and $434.4 mil­lion in fed­er­al taxes. 

-North Car­oli­na State Uni­ver­si­ty Exten­sion, 2021

Learn more about Eco­nom­ic Con­tri­bu­tion of the For­est Sec­tor in North Car­oli­na, 2021

What Does SFI Mean to Me?

“To me, Sustainable Forestry means trees today, trees tomorrow, trees forever.  The SFI standard provides us forest managers with a framework, guiding principles so that we can implement forest management policies and techniques to insure that mantra becomes a reality.”

Cierra Ward

District Manager for Resource Management Service, LLC

“To me, SFI means many individuals of diverse backgrounds and ideas coming together for the good of sustaining one of our most valuable resources on the planet. It also means a concerted effort to educate those that do not understand how active and even intense forest management so greatly benefits not only the forest, but the entire ecosystem.”

Charles Daniels

Raw Materials Procurement for Domtar Paper Co. LLC