The NC SFI SIC seeks to pro­mote the prin­ci­ples of the SFI pro­gram through its involve­ment with var­i­ous pro­grams across the state.

With­in the realm of the for­est prod­ucts indus­try, the com­mit­tee sup­ports log­ger train­ing through its involve­ment with the NCFA’s Pro­Log­ger pro­gram in addi­tion to its work­ing rela­tion­ship with the North Car­oli­na For­est Ser­vice. The North Car­oli­na For­est Ser­vice pro­vides direct input to the com­mit­tee on log­ger per­for­mance across the state in terms of Best Man­age­ment Prac­tices and the For­est Prac­tice Guidelines.

The com­mit­tee seeks to raise the aware­ness of the SFI stan­dard among the gen­er­al pub­lic by sup­port­ing edu­ca­tion ini­tia­tives such as the NCFA’s Forestry & Envi­ron­men­tal Camps and the Sus­tain­able Forestry Teach­ers’ Expe­ri­ence. The com­mit­tee is a direct spon­sor of the Teach­ers’ Expe­ri­ence and sev­er­al com­mit­tee mem­bers serve as vol­un­teers at the NCFA’s camps.

The NC SFI SIC also pro­motes SFI direct­ly to the peo­ple who own the major­i­ty of forests in North Car­oli­na, pri­vate landown­ers. The com­mit­tee sup­ports forestry clubs, work­shops for landown­ers, and the North Car­oli­na Tree Farm program.

The com­mit­tee wel­comes the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with new groups or orga­ni­za­tions through its new­ly cre­at­ed grant pro­gram that seeks to con­nect the com­mit­tee with those who are work­ing on projects that pro­mote the ideals of SFI. If you have a pro­gram that could use some help get­ting off the ground, please check out the grant pro­gram and con­tact the NC SFI SIC.


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Logger Training

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NC SFI SIC Grant Program

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Inconsistent Practices

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What Does SFI Mean to Me?

“To me, Sustainable Forestry means trees today, trees tomorrow, trees forever.  The SFI standard provides us forest managers with a framework, guiding principles so that we can implement forest management policies and techniques to insure that mantra becomes a reality.”

Cierra Ward

District Manager for Resource Management Service, LLC

“To me, SFI means many individuals of diverse backgrounds and ideas coming together for the good of sustaining one of our most valuable resources on the planet. It also means a concerted effort to educate those that do not understand how active and even intense forest management so greatly benefits not only the forest, but the entire ecosystem.”

Charles Daniels

Raw Materials Procurement for Domtar Paper Co. LLC